Video Tutorials

Discover the software features with our easy-to-follow video tutorials.

The indispensables

  • How to create a BoQ from a CAD drawing in just a few minutes - basic program features
    Associating the drawing entities to the Price List items and quickly getting the BoQ
    Basic features open drawing create price list price book search item association view BoQ measurements variables Take off save print export excel word xlsx docx
  • DWG and DXF Files
    PriMus Take Off opens dwg and dxf file without having to convert any data. Maintaining styles, colours, layers and line types…
    drawing document CAD layer styles line thickness type characteristics attribute property
  • Raster or PDF files
    Acquiring BoQ data from a PDF or Raster image file
    Image photo scan point insert factor unit scale rotation scaling start point end length real line polyline associate items price list bill quantities BoQ entity
  • Associating Work Sections and price list items to the CAD drawing
    Creating a Work Section and linking it to the CAD drawing
    associate assign prices rates work sections open drawing create search item editor select entity detraction variable models measurement user
  • Modifying the CAD drawing to update the Bill of Quantities
    Modifying the CAD drawing and getting a dynamically updated Bill of Quantities
    open drawing modify edit BoQ update updated MY CAD revision correct
  • BoQ and drawing in one DWG/DXF file
    Saving the BoQ and CAD drawing in a single DWG file
    save single drawing file
  • Currency settings
    Configuring the Bill of Quantities Currency
    open drawing general data location scope esription subject settings set definition columns currency header signatures print BoQ bill of Quantities
  • BoQ management
    Saving and printing the Bill of Quantities
    management save print BoQ Bill quantities PriMus features word excel docx xlsx