Video Tutorials

Discover the software features with our easy-to-follow video tutorials.

The indispensables

  • Creating a Time Schedule in just a few minutes: basic program features
    Create a Time Schedule with new activities or with activities acquired from a different Time Schedule or a PriMus document and quick printing
    create new time schedule activity groupings add quantity graphically work periods Gantt duration productivity list analyzed resources master process critical financial plan project execution comparison print report move dimension size divide split break up connect link
  • Working at your best: multiple documents open on your desktop and Drag & Drop
    Basic features and drag & drop to get to use the software properly
    Gantt Time schedule acquire BoQ Bill Quantities items Price list group activity timeline periods split break merge connect shit move plan
  • New Time Schedule from a PriMus document
    Creating a New Time Schedule importing data from a PriMus Free UPP document
    dcf groupings activity general data items rate price amounts load
  • Preparing a Time Schedule
    Creation and Management of activities, periods and the time schedule structure
    create folders groups rename data quantities total work category typ duration period graphical move divide connect path critical process paths draw
  • The "Data Periods" window: activity data management
    Analytical management of duration, quantity and the productivity of a given period
  • Managing the Time Schedule
    Environmental and Climate tables, calendar, timeline scale and toolbar styles to customise the Time Schedule layout
    calendar holidays bank working tables scale timeline chronological months years days layout date start end suspensions of work period styles toolbar color pattern data text
  • The financial plan
    Surveying and project execution control, anticipations e payments etc.
    forecasted date search dates amounts WPS issue
  • Design stage and Works Execution Time Schedule
    Manage both the Design stage and works execution Time Schedule from within the same document
    creating activities quantity duration financial plan
  • Advanced features: PriMus Integration
    Activity data management with PriMus features
    time schedule price list create rate analysis modify update
  • Advanced featuires: duration and quantity automatic calculation
    Duration calculation and quantities in relation to available resources
    data period resource master productivity activity use daily