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Activity planning

  • The Activity Planning editor
    PROJECT and WORKS EXECUTION Time schedule: Active Task Activity List, Activities Table, Time schedule table, Financial Plan and Period data
    table window bars bar length durations period amounts quantities productivity data table diagrams diagram financial plan amounts specified time trend expected work carried out work time schedule gantt project execution planning process production activities
  • The Activity table options
    The Activity table functions for Activity and Folder management
    bold italic underline character style font color size size group select block selection menu highlights local information right mouse button and enter date notes add ins key append modification rate code concise brief short description extended measurement unit unit price amount as double left click removes the keyboard Ctrl+Delete delete remove columns personalization custom search bar above button arrow arrows move cancels return falls below creates narrowing expand all groupings single grouping level folder levels , and list folders active table work section processing activities
  • Creating a new folder/activity
    How to create activities directly in the time schedule and produce a branched structure at multiple levels through folders
    local menu add post name creation append button arrow move cancels return falls below creates narrowing expand all single level groupings branched structure unit price of units measure extended summary description code rate data window period total amount nothing zero duration scheduled working days forecast key keyboard new ins new folder levels folder bar bar work section processing activities
  • Drag and dropping activities from the Activities List editor of a document to the Activities List editor of the current document
    Drag and dropping activities from the Activities List editor to the Activities List editor of the current document
    keyboard Ctrl replace block select quantity total acquire acquisition bar search drag&drop work sections Active AL Activity Task list
  • Acquiring activities from the Activities List of another PriMus-K document
    Drag and dropping activities from the Activities List editor of a document to the Activities List editor of the current document
  • Acquiring an activity from another document - Activities Table
    Drag and dropping activities from the Activities planning editor of a document to the Activities planning editor of the current document
    copy paste block lock items import folders groupings editor list resources analyzed analysis quantity task bar duration start end block keyboard shift insert editor folders level group work section table
  • Acquiring an Activity from PriMus - Price List items
    Drag and Drop of Price List items from a priMus to a PriMus-K document
    total productivity quantity amount selection bar length start end block selection left mouse button keyboard shift key acquisition insert other PriMus-K document programming editor level folders group sort drag & drop folder process activity table
  • Acquiring an Activity from PriMus - BoQ items
    Drag & drop of Bill of Quantities items in a PriMus document to a PriMus-K Activity planning document
    quantity total selection highlight acquire insert block keyboard key Ctrl button replace work sections measurements