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The Measurements editor

  • How to add new Work Types and descriptions to your Cost Estimate
    How to create a new work type in the document's measurement editor
    categories lump sum measured works type quantity equal parts length width height weight
  • Acquiring items from other documents
    Inserting an item in the measurements editor acquired from another document
    drag drop
  • Measurement rows: ‘other data’ and markers
    Activate and closing the measurement rows, editing 'other information' for an item and adding markers
    bookmark technical disciplinary provisional accounts edit measurement type lump sum measurement category item work type description
  • Measurement rows: sub totals and negative quantities
    Inserting sub totals and negative quantities in measurement rows
    measurement marker red blue total subtraction item work section
  • Measurement rows: formulas
    Inserting formulas in measurement rows and/or retrieving them from the program's formulas archive
    operators division multiplication sum addition subtracted work item
  • Measurement rows: rebar weights
    How to specify or calculate rebar weights automatically
    stirrup thickness diameter item work type reinforcement
  • Measurement item: acquiring diagrams and images from a CAD file
    Acquiring metric data and graphical info from CAD drawing entities.
    toolbar local pop up AutoCAD LT dxf dwg line poly line drawing
  • Measurement item: images
    Adding a diagram or illustration to a measurement row
    image chart graphic jpg jpeg bmp png gif dxf
  • Measurement items: the "see item" reference
    Aqcuiring a quantity from another estimate document
    link total measurements
  • PriMus for CAD
    How to acquire measurements directly from the drawing
    connection measurements rows measurement formulas areas lines polylines blocks AutoCAD LT AutoCAD-LT 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 100c 100 c
  • Measurement rows: text formatting and function keys
    using the function keys for navigating and changing text formatting
    F2, double click, arrows, Canc, Backspace, Shift, enter, bold, centered, italic, colour, highlighted
  • The Price Book Toolbox
    The Price List toolbox feature in the Measurements Editor
    price list, tariff, description, unit of measurement, rate, summary, chapters, short, brief, extended
  • The "Search" toolbox
    Searching for items in currently open documents or in all documents saved on the PC's Hard Drive
    tariff description extended price rate date conditions drag&drop disk documents PriMus path folder format
  • The "Search" toolbox- 2
    Searching for PL items on the Web and the "Super Search" features in current view.
    internet conditions drag&drop attributes flag
  • Search Toolbar
    activating and using the dynamic and advanced search functions
    lens, zoom, F3, conditions, search, replace, SuperSearch
  • Acquiring Genaral Data and Measurements
    Using Drag&Drop to acquire data from other documents
    new, open, icon, measurement items, measurement rows
  • Measurement item: reposition and delete
    Move or delete a measurement item
    delete list grouping sorting
  • Measurement item: highlight and edit
    Highlighting measurement items and applying changes to a multiple selection
    select yellow remove categories date work type
  • Measurement Editor: editing a Price List item
    How to identify and edit a Price List item from the Measurments editor
    highlight price list items
  • The "BookMark" function
    Using the Booknotes feature to prepare a BoQ
    Measurements Editor, view options, local menu, Active, Disable, Alt, Shift, Ctrl
  • the "Memo" feature
    Using the Memo notes feature to prepare a BoQ
    Add, Ctrl, Click, Remove, Paste, text, Bold, Italic, Underlined, Strikethrough, Font, Character, Dimension, Colour, Highlight, Alignment, Justified, Measurements Editor, Toolbox, View Options
  • The Undo "Feature"
    Using the "Cancel Changes" function in the main PriMus editors
    Repeat, Edit, Price List, Analysis, elements