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The Price List editor

  • How to create a new Price List Item
    How to create a new Item in the document's "Price List"
    labour incidence percentage materials frieght equipment health and Safety article Price List chapters tariff rate
  • The Price List details window
    Accessing the Work Type's details to edit or add extra data
    labour incidence rate freight hired materials equipment machinery price list chapters article health and safety
  • Price List items features - 1
    Shows the various features in the contextual Price list tool-bar editor and the "Rate variation..." local menu.
    Price list Editor, Price List view Rate variation Contextual toolbar Price List item Price Start End reference Increase %, reduction Divide Multiply Block of Highlighted items
  • Price List: Insert Image
    insert a chart or image for each P.L. Item
    toolbar management object Ole media player properties memo voice
  • Price List: "Extended description and Sub-items"
    How to structure the Price List in "items and sub-items"
    main item child
  • items and Subitems: Editing a group item
    Automatic editing of the description of a group entry in all of the relating subitems
  • Price List: "Update P.L. items"
    updating price list item rates to the latest edition of reference price books
    Tariff rate new price book news255nl
  • Price List: Rate Variation
    Editing and adding a rate approximation for all items in a Price List or parte of it
    block multiple selection items increase reduction multiply divide approximation
  • Price List items features - 2
    Shows the "Update PL item" feature and other features regarding the Price List editor local menu
    List View, Shift, Local Menu, Reference document, Comparison field, Tariff, Article, Bridge code, Extended description, Fields, Update description, additional description, Extended, Unit of Measurement, Rate 1, Rate 2, Rate 3, Rate 4, Rate 5, Block, Standard, Chapter Codes, Amounts/Discounts, Work Type date, Resource Type, Labour Incidence, Health and Safety, Plants, Highlight All, remove all highlighting, Modify selected block, Data, Price List Editor, Rate Analysis, Update PL items.
  • Price List: "Modify selected block"
    modify and/or assign new information to a block of items
    Prefix codes incidence percentages system quality mark discount markups analysis rounding Quantity Estimate BoQ
  • Renumbering Price List
    Renumbering the Price List items
    view list Order sorting items measurements current tariff code rate selection Options Article code Bridge Prefix suffix number starting ending numeric
  • Labour, materials, equipment and Health and Safety
    How to insert, view and print the resource and health and safety incidence percentages for each price list item
    element type resource analysis advanced details view list options labour labor hired equipment transport print columns LAB MAT H&S EQUIP % amounts percentages 100c 100 c
  • Short description from the extended description
    automatically generate the short description of an item from the extended description of all selected P.L items
    block group items dashes characters