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The horizontal building envelope (slabs, etc.)

  • Drawing the horizontal enclosures
    Drawing Horizontal Building envelope entities
    Finish End definition slab Define
  • The drawing of the horizontal enclosure
    How to draw the horizontal enclosure
    enclosure, slab, inter-floor, planking
  • Editing horizontal building envelope entities
    How to modify the horizontal building envelope position using the object grips
    Floor Plans move vertici movement segment insert node delete node convert to arc slab
  • How to draw an arc horizontal building envelope entity
    Defining a curved horizontal building envelope section
    Change to convert to Arc Change to Convert to Line Segment curved define slab tangent
  • The horizontal building envelope Geometry (slab)
    Changing the geometry of a horizontal building envelope entity
    Property Features Material Layers General Catalogue Type Thickness HRS Height Reference System Level delta Sub level Materials Face Side Upper Lower Lower Bottom Apply to All Slab
  • Tilting the horizontal building envelope entity (slab)
    Defining the gradient of a horizontal building envelope entity: sloped line and passing by three points methods
    Properties Geometry type definition horizontal slope line three points Slope [1] [2] [3] gradient inclination
  • Drawing a Vault
    How to transform a horizontal building envelope entity to a vault type structure
    Property definition curvature tangent