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Project Group

  • The Project Group
    Creating a Project Group for comparing the Current Situation with the Design Situation in a renovations job
    yellow red status situation Current CS works variation survey restructuring renovation demolished
  • The Project Group window
    Features for comparing the Current Situation with the Design Situation
    Project Group yellow red Current situation CS Design Stage DS differences built rebuilt demolished construction demolition
  • The renovation tools [current situation]
    The tools for defining Demolished or Re-built areas
    Demolisher trowel magic wand Project Group yellow red Current Situation CS Design stage DS built constructions demolitions
  • The renovation tools [design stage]
    The tools for defining Demolished or Re-built areas in the Design stage situation
    Demolisher Trowel magic wand DS yellow red built demolitions constructions
  • The comparison Drawing Models
    Preparing the comparison drawing models between the Current situation Design stage
    yellow red CS DS Working drawings built demolished deleted new differences demolished comparison rebuilt
  • Thermal insulation
    How to model a thermal insulation on a building
    material layer project group yellow and red news007nl