Video Tutorials

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Function keys

  • The F2/F3/F4 function keys
    The F2 function keys (extended zoom) , F3 (zoom window) and F4 (zoom lens)
    Zoom Extended Window Magnifying Glass
  • The Shift key
    The shift key to move or select an object and its combination with the F2 and F3 keys to perform various zoom actions
    selection Movement select deselect Zoom Previous next
  • The Ctrl key
    The Ctrl key: To change the grip position, move the selection from one object to another, and undo or redo the last changes
    move overlap change selected Cancel changes Restore cancel Undo Redo
  • The OBJECT selection mode
    Object selection methods: handles, multiple selections and the Shift key
    Select Objects button deselect object All Invert Selection Select All Deselect all