Video Tutorials

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False Ceilings

  • Modelling a false ceiling
    How to model a False Ceiling
    finish conclude terminate editor
  • Modelling and defining surfaces
    How to define the false ceiling surface
    finish arc node
  • Surface properties
    How to edit height, assign a material layer or or a thickness and define the plane type.
    horizontal inclined elevation thickness material layer
  • Inserting a vertical connection
    How to model a vertical connection element between two or more false ceiling surfaces positioned at different heights
    height elevation thickness
  • Suspended ceiling panels
    How to define a suspended ceiling structure within a surface?
    hidden structure facing base height thickness
  • Suspended ceiling properties
    How to modify the geometry of a suspended ceiling area and the panel characteristics
    structure hidden view facing base height thickness grid
  • Customizing a false ceiling element
    How to move and rotate a suspended celing area and customize the panels
    empty solid
  • False ceiling working drawings
    How to generate a drawing model for the False Celing layout
    floor plans legends measurements